Cornerstone Care Agency, elderly, carehome, consultant, Karen, EastbourneCornerstone Care Agency, elderly, carehome, consultant, Karen, Eastbourne Care Home Consultancy
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Care Home Consultancy
Cornerstone Care Consultancy can offer advice and guidance to care homes on a consultancy basis. With expert and professional knowledge of the CQC and the relevant legislations concerning care homes, Cornerstone can provide your home with the support it needs. Marketing strategies can de developed as well as team building exercises, audits and monitoring visits.
With the owner being a qualified nurse, clinical support and expertise can also be delivered, as well as training on clinical issues.

Mystery Shopping
Cornerstone Care Consultancy provides a mystery shopping service to care homes so that owners and managers can gauge how well their staff are selling their business.
A full report would be generated following the visit highlighting good points as well as areas that may need improvement.

Care finding solutions, care monitoring and care home consultancy
10, Wordsworth Drive
BN23 7QP

07713 963 089
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